Thursday, February 18, 2010

What I assume will be my newest addiction...

So, I got this itch to coupon... I've seen and have heared of many people who do this and what enormous amount of money they save each month. I'm all about the saving, so I've decided to invest the time and do it. I've been out about 3 times this week, learning the trade and failing miserably. One time I totally forgot to use my coupons until I had left the store! I couldn't believe it, but with two kids in tow, there is NO WAY I was going back in there. Another time, Safeway totally added up my receipt wrong (their products were on sale, but didn't register that way in the computer), but of course I didn't see that until I was home... All in all, I cannot do this with kids, it's just too distracting and time consuming, but I am looking forward to when I can go without them! Anyway, here's my first successful trip, in my eyes. I know you might think, who is really going to use that much Seasoned Rice Vinegar, but the answer is, me! We use it for salad dressings, marinades, etc. It's great! Anyway, I know true couponers would have walked away from the store with all of this for free, but getting $35 for of product for under $6was great for me!
Here's my loot:

Many will ask, is it even worth the effort and time? Well, I'll let you know as I go along, but my gut is, YES! I have a friend who is loyal to the art and she says she has never paid for cereal, toilet paper, deodarant or toothpaste in years. It's those little things that add up, and I'm looking forward to delving in and seeing what I can do for my family!


Becky said...

I should give the number to my friend she is coupon master! She blows me away with the free stuff she brings home, but it is definitely a part time job to keep it all straight! And you have to be ready to be assertive and maybe argue a bit. I'm too whimpy.