Monday, March 30, 2009

The Places We Go...

Apparantly I go shopping with Rachel a lot, because as we drive by certain stores, she knows them by name and what we get there. For example, if she see's Costco in the distance, she will shout, "Costco... the Smoothie store!", because if they are good, I splurge and spend a whole $1.45 and buy them a smoothie and have the nice food court people split it into two cups for me, thus making my life so much nicer and the kids super happy! Other stores she does this at are Winco, for groceries, she knows, Panda Express, for chicken and noodles, Starbucks, for Hot Chocolate, Dutch Brothers for Smoothies and Not So Hot's, Target for toys, Toys R Us for toys, Disney Store, for princess stuff, Gas Station, for gas, etc... It just cracks me up hearing her shout locations and names out for some reason. Makes me realize she is growing up so fast and actually comprehends so much more than I give her credit for most times. It's so crazy how time had flown by. And Andrew is turning one in 5 DAYS!!! I cannot believe that. This year has truly

Monday, March 23, 2009

My So Called Vacation...

So, feeling like I needed to get away, I called my friend and we made plans to head to Newport for a week, with our four kids, in an attempt for some fun, lots of craft time and visiting our old stomping grounds. Well, let's just say the trip did not go as planned. I must say it was definitely fun visiting with my friend, and it was fun seeing a few others that traveled down for a day or two (especially you Jen!)... We also got a few crafty things done (but not a lot, like I was planning) and it was nice having other women around to help cook, clean, do laundry, etc... that was seriously nice. However, my whole family was sick the entire time and we were all miserable! I had gotten a bad bug (the coughing, hacking, can't sleep kind) the previous Thursday and was still fighting it (still am) the entire trip. Needless to say, half way through I gave in, went to the store and invested in Mucinex and Tylenol PM! Definitely saved my life, I think! I hardly woke up at all in the night, except when my kids did! Also, the previous Thursday, Rachel was diagnosed with a double ear infection... so, we had her on antibiotics, but she was still complaining of pain. A few days into our trip she started vomiting... the first time it just happenned to be in the middle of the Marine Hatfield Science Center... At least she got to see the new baby octopus :) I felt so bad for her. From then on, it was miserable. She continued to vomit every day and had severe diarrhea. Sorry if that's an overshare, just trying to stress the point of how bad it was for us all! Andrew had it too (hence why I have a picture of him in the sink- it got a little messy!)... poor kids. I feel like they are always sick and continually on the mend! When does it stop??? Anyway, we finally got home yesterday, an entire week later, and I can't tell you how happy I was. I just wanted Mike back, his help with the kids, and our beds, kitchen, everything! You don't realize how much you love your home, until you've been away for a while. It's nice to get back to the daily flow of things. Although, today I'm feeling a bit queasy, so hopefully I don't get what Rach had! All in all, I'm very grateful for my time away, but wish it wouldn't have been so stressful! Next time, definitely taking my precious husband with me :)

We couldn't find Andrew at one point, and finally we looked upstairs- there he was at the balcony- he had climbed two flights of stairs to get there!

Right before Rachel had her first episode... poor girl- she really was a tropper!

Andrew's highlight of the trip- he loved that ride on fire truck... he seriously couldn't get enough!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Learning Stages...

So, Rachel, as of late, loves to be naked! I try and discourage this by at least making her wear underwear, or a diaper, or something. Anyway, she stripped down the other day and as always I told her to go bring me some underwear. It was taking her a while, so I asked her what she was doing. She said she already had it done and was coming. She just showed me the front, so I thought everything was in good shape- I was actually proud of her for doing it herself. Then, I'm talking to my mom, and Rach goes to play with the blinds, and I see the back- I had to snap a picture and share... so funny! It totally made me laugh!