Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Learning Stages...

So, Rachel, as of late, loves to be naked! I try and discourage this by at least making her wear underwear, or a diaper, or something. Anyway, she stripped down the other day and as always I told her to go bring me some underwear. It was taking her a while, so I asked her what she was doing. She said she already had it done and was coming. She just showed me the front, so I thought everything was in good shape- I was actually proud of her for doing it herself. Then, I'm talking to my mom, and Rach goes to play with the blinds, and I see the back- I had to snap a picture and share... so funny! It totally made me laugh!


Brazenlilly said...

HA! That one made me laugh out loud!

Jason and Terra said...

You gotta love kids!! Thanks for the smiles, it was so good to see you at m2m the last week!