Yes, it's true, Andrew has finally learned to crawl the "right way!" It has only taken him 10 months! And although he has mastered this tiumphant feat, he still loves to crawl "army style" when things are too far away or he's frustrated... we're learning though and I figure within a week or so, he'll be so amazed at his new talent that he won't ever stop! We really never thought he'd crawl, so we're so proud of him! Now we have to go purchase baby gates so that he doesn't climb up, or fall down the stairs! Anyway, here's a few photos of him crawling... and yes, I do know he looks like he's from the 80's! His hair just keeps growing, and I keep cutting! Seriously, he's had 4 hair cuts! I'm debating using Mike's shears and just shaving it real short... We'll see. That'll be a post for another time!
He's finally reached his prize- the balloon! That and food are his main motivations for crawling...
Friday, January 30, 2009
And He's Off... Finally!!!
Posted by The Brandt Clan at 4:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
The BIG Movies...
So we were able to travel down to Eugene this weekend and see some friends off that were moving and visit our old pastor and his family for a while. It was so much fun. One of the most fun things we got to do was yesterday afternoon after church. In Eugene they have a $1.50 theater... yes, you heard me right, and it's nice too! It's super cheap and totally worth every penny. Anyway, Madagascar 2 was playing and so we took our kids and some of our friends took theirs too. Rachel has never been to a theater before, and she was totally enthralled by the massive screen before her. She got popcorn, candy and gum, and thought that this was by far the coolest thing she had ever done! Andrew luckily fell asleep 15 minutes into the movie, so we got to watch Rachel enjoy her BIG movie! Her facial expressions, and her laughing at all the funny parts were priceless... I wish I could take her to the movies more often- I don't think I've ever seen her so well behaved for two hours at a time! It was awesome and seriously fun for us to do as a family!
Posted by The Brandt Clan at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Kids... So Precious and Funny!
The things Rachel says... They seriously just take me by surprise and make me realize just how fast she is growing up.... A year ago, she couldn't even talk, and now, she tells me stories, jokes, and sings me songs, any chance she gets! Here are just a few quotes of hers from the last couple of days-
"Wow, Mom! Look! It's a VERY bright star. We better make a wish."
In my mind, I am wondering where she got that from, and that the emphasis on "very" was so cute... I'm thinking Einsteins or Dora... Then I ask her what she wished for. Her response, "More Christmas presents!"
So we're about to leave for the store and I have to use the restroom real fast. I run and pee and am leaving the bathroom door when Rachel says, "Mom, you are SUCH a BIG GIRL (with an emphasis on those words, just like I say them to her!)! I am SO proud of you Mommy!" She tells me this so often... She's always proud of me. It makes me laugh!
I'm sitting on the couch looking at Rachel and she just looked so beautiful to me. I tell her, "Rach, you are so beautiful." She responds to me, "No mom, you are so beautiful!" I love those moments... too precious for words!
We're at Toys R Us and I am attempting to let Rachel pick out some more big girl panties for basically potty training herself and for not having any mistakes... She always just wants to go to the shoe aisle though... Anyway, she runs over there, finds a Dora pair of shoes(no, I will not ever let her buy them- I'm not a fun mom in that way!) holds them up for me to inspect and says, "Mom, we should get these. These are just SUPER!" I have never heard her say that word, super, but when she did, for some reason it just made me so proud of her ever growing knowledge of words and I had to smile and laugh!
Last night we're having some family time on the floor (I know, weird, but we enjoy it, the kids climb all over us, it works!) when Rachel makes me lay on my back and close my eyes and go to sleep. She said the bad witch made me sleep and that the prince had to come wake me up. She made a crown for me out of toilet paper (because I'm a princess, duh!), and then told me I have to wait. I asked her if Daddy could be my prince, but she just laughed histarically and said, "daddy can't be a prince, he's just a big boy! Silly mommy!"
So I'm making lunch today and Rachel finds some Monopoly money... don't ask me where because I don't even think we own that game! Anyway, she brings it over and hands me ONE of the bills and says, "This one is for Jessica Brandt, and all of these are for Rachel brandt." It was so funny to hear her not only say my first name, but both and for her to say her whole name. She always calls herself Rachel- I don't think she ever stops talking in third person, but I don't think I've ever heard her call herself by her whole name... It was just cute!
Anyway, these are just a few of my favorite moments over the last few days... she is just so precious. I can't wait until Andrew can say more than Momma and Dadda... even those are precious from him though. You should see him lately... such a big boy! We took him to his 9 month check up and he weighed 22 lbs! Rachel only weighs 26! We couldn't believe there was only 4 pounds difference between the two of them! He's also gotten into this whole army crawl thing as of late. It is SO funny to watch! He can't real crawl, but he sure gets around everywhere- seriously hilarious! Mostly it's food that gets him going though (obviously by his size!). :) He mostly likes to stand up and attempt to pull himself up on stuff- He never gives up no matter how many times he falls- love that about him! Anyway, these were just some fun happenings. Hope all is well with you all!
Here's a few recent pics... nothing too exciting, but cute nonetheless!
Posted by The Brandt Clan at 4:10 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Bobby and Katy's Wedding!
So, at last our house isn't feeding on frenzy and we can settle in without loads of stress and anticipation among us! As you know we recently moved into our place and have had nothing but things to do, continually! Mike's brother, Bobby, though was getting married on the 3rd of January, and we were pretty much all in the wedding. Mike was Best Man, I was a bridesmaid, and Rachel was a flower girl. It was so much fun and we were so happy to be blessed enough to be in their wedding, but we are also so glad it is over! The whole time leading up to this big day I was seriously terrified that Rachel would somehow ruin their wedding... she'd throw a big fit at the altar or burn the building down, or something. Anyway, it all went well, thanks in big part to my mom- Thanks mom!- and they were married at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Lake Oswego! The wedding itself was beautiful, but the reception was absolutely stunning- SO GORGEOUS! They really know how to throw a party! Here's some pictures of the Happenings... I don't have a lot of the bride and groom, because I figure we'll order some good ones from their professional pictures, but there are a few cute one's of the kids! Enjoy!
Our attempt at a good family photo... Not half bad!
The Brandt boys right before walking down the aisle... Andrew, Mike, David, and Bobby
Rachel, so tired, before the wedding even began... It was definitely nap time!
Rachel and Mommy
The Kiddos
Christopher, the ring bearer and Rachel, the flower girl... SO CUTE!
Mommy and Andrew- What a handsome man!
The candy bar- Rachel and Chris couldn't keep their hands out of it! A bad idea for little kids!
Cousins, Andrew and Isaac playing together- SO CUTE!!!
Mike, giving his best man speech! It was really good!
The Bride and Groom (Bobby and Katy) being nice to each other with the cake!
Our Little Buddy...
Mike and I... So in love...
At the end of the party, my mom took the kids back home and stayed the night with them, while Mike and I got a hotel downtown at the new hotel, The Nines. It was so much fun. We went to a restaurant and played trivia then went back to the room and finally got a good night's sleep without having to wake up to the kiddos! It was so nice to get a break. We went to Mother Bistro and Bar downtown in the morning too, for breakfast, and it was SO good! It was good to see the kids again though when we got home... We miss them when we're away! All in all it was a fabulous weekend with so many fun festivities, but we are so glad to be starting this new year and are looking in anticipation at getting our house completely done and seeing what the Lord has in store for us! Love you all!
Posted by The Brandt Clan at 7:26 AM 4 comments