Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's Comin' Along...

So, as most of you know, Mike has been working on our home, without ceasing! Whenever he's not at work, he's there, diligently slaving away, so that we can move in before Christmas. Anyway, today I had the wonderful pleasure of accompanying my husband for about 4 hours... Grandma Ann was watching Rachel (overnight- woohoo!) and Grandma Dee was watching Andrew for a bit. I went and got Andrew and tried to bring him back to work with us, but he wasn't having it! I packed him up and left Mike alone to work, once again! Here's a few pics of our progress, but really, Mike's done so much more!

A wall that was completely rotted with mold- He's completely redone it and should be putting on the sheetrock tonight!

Mike's building me a pantry- love it!!!